Josh Starnes
Broker, REALTOR®

(704) 681-1815

I was born in Presbyterian Hospital in 1974 and as a native of Charlotte I have seen so many positive changes.  It thrills me that Charlotte continues to be on the TOP THREE FASTEST GROWING CITIES list year after year.  I proved to myself why this is true a long time ago.  I spent years testing out life in other places further away like Mexico, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, England, Germany, Italy, France, Spain.  Throughout my twenties, I continued testing new places to live but closer to home aka Charlotte.  I  checked out Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Seattle, Atlanta, San Francisco, Boston, Provincetown, NYC, etc.  No matter where, the common denominator among all locations was that missing the “town and country” lifestyle I grew up in.  Bouncing between Charlotte and my family farm just 45 minutes away in Waxhaw, NC was almost impossible to replicate as a convenient experience.   Where could I experience a proper power lunch with bankers uptown and be on horseback eating figs plucked from trees by 6:00pm?   There is no place better than Charlotte for the body, mind, and soul balance for me.  Right here, Right now we have:

  • healthy growing economy
  • health centric people
  • amazing options for happy homes
  • a lifestyle that is hard to beat.

I have come full circle in my travels and would love the chance to help you find where you belong in Charlotte.  It is a wonderful place to call home.

If you are considering selling your home, call me now to build a best practices strategy for selling your property!  There is a right way to approach this market.

Email Josh